Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Self driven cart by Leonardo Da Vinci (Almost a Robot)

Have you ever thought when did man thought of becoming lazy and leaving the work for machines? Well its difficult to tell so.
But we know who made the first ever "almost robot" of history. The man was extraordinarily talented Leonardo da Vinci.
The drawings obtained from Vinci's notes didn't revealed the whole design. But researcher concluded that  it used a spring-driven mechanism similar to that used in clock. Inside drum-shaped casing there is 'mainspring' that can be wound by hand. Uncoiling spring drives the cart forward. The steering can be programmed through a series of blocks set among the gears, though the fact that the cart could only make right turns would have limited its usability.
Although Leonardo considered this as some kind of a toy, but it's clear that if it would have been made, its would have shown many results.
Ponder. Can you do that?

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